Sunday, April 19, 2009

Secret Societies Revealed?

You decide if this is are couple of comments made about this video:

Dec 11, 2008

the illuminati may be real but this documentary is true bullshit. everything is faked and staged. the dot image in the period--when he was zooming in- the letter edges stayed really sharp- indicating it was a vector-based word processing program- i.e. MS WORD!! haha. so fucking stupid. and so fucking fake. if it were real they would be using a microscope, not a computer word document. I think this retarded old guy has too much money and time on his hands, and he is living in a fantasy land of espionage and and other movie fakery. he needs to stop. if he had real proof, he would be dead before he could even write a script?best part of the film at around 2:00min......"how...could...this...happen?" hahahaha

May 28, 2008Mark as spam

I have been studying the Illluminati and other secret societies for many years.I believe in the scriptures and the prophecies show how all of this ties together..There are evil people who worship Lucifer instead of the One and Only God..There is a war going on and the prize is your soul...Watch :"Total Onslaught:" on Google videos..It is a series which examines the agenda of these people who are arranging the New World Order...It will open your eyes if you take the time to do the research..

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