Sunday, April 26, 2009

Would Our Goverment Do This and Why?

This is recent March 2009 video of a radio show covering a story which is very disturbing. Make sure to watch it until the end. You will see something that reminds me of the Hitler and the Jews?

I am NOT saying this is the government conspiring against us.....

Maybe our government is preparing for something. Are they afraid of losing control. Is this their back up system to maintain power?

What ever this is do not let fear control you.....ask God to give you understanding for what ever is to come. Raise your consciousness.

If you have questions or you want to know how to raise your level of consciousness, call me at 1-321-258-8132.

Steve Hart

The Mountain of God

Recent video at a mountain which may prove to be Mt. Sinai....why is Saudi Arabia protecting this mountian?

God, could this be the true Mt. Sinai?

Steve Hart

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Warning: "Right Wing Extremists"

Lou Dobbs Covers The Disturbing DHS Document Regarding "Right Wing Extremists"

Please, Please, Please understand any motivation created in FEAR is not from GOD!!!

Be it the government or you.

The answer is to rise above all this fear and discover a higher consciousness. God is still in control. All you have to do is align yourself with God and he will protect you. God is your source. He is your power.

HEAR THIS: Every time you resist or fight against are giving strength to it.

Instead: Observe "What is" and discern what is the it FEAR or is it LOVE? If it is Love, support it, if it is fear then speaks words of healing and pray for them and then watch what happens. The Spirit of God will reign!

The New World Order ???

Henry Kissinger speaks of Obama and a New World Order

Did Kissinger say, "New World Order" ???

CNN NEWS -British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says "a new world order is emerging.."

I can not believe my ears.....they are talking about a New World Order.
Sound like someone has a plan.

What is your plan? Are you ready for this?

The New World Order - Documentary or Just Stories?

Wake Up To The New World Order Documentary PART 1

Wake Up To The NWO Documentary PART 2

Wake Up To The NWO Documentary PART 3

Wake Up To The NWO Documentary PART 4

Angels and Demons Trailer- Truth or Fiction?

New Angels and Demons Movie Trailer

Secret Societies of the Vatican
Secret Societies of the Vatican Pt 1 of 4

Secret Societies of the Vatican Pt 2 of 4

Secret Societies of the Vatican Pt 3 of 4

Secret Societies of the Vatican Pt 4 of 4

Secret Societies Revealed?

You decide if this is are couple of comments made about this video:

Dec 11, 2008

the illuminati may be real but this documentary is true bullshit. everything is faked and staged. the dot image in the period--when he was zooming in- the letter edges stayed really sharp- indicating it was a vector-based word processing program- i.e. MS WORD!! haha. so fucking stupid. and so fucking fake. if it were real they would be using a microscope, not a computer word document. I think this retarded old guy has too much money and time on his hands, and he is living in a fantasy land of espionage and and other movie fakery. he needs to stop. if he had real proof, he would be dead before he could even write a script?best part of the film at around 2:00min......"how...could...this...happen?" hahahaha

May 28, 2008Mark as spam

I have been studying the Illluminati and other secret societies for many years.I believe in the scriptures and the prophecies show how all of this ties together..There are evil people who worship Lucifer instead of the One and Only God..There is a war going on and the prize is your soul...Watch :"Total Onslaught:" on Google videos..It is a series which examines the agenda of these people who are arranging the New World Order...It will open your eyes if you take the time to do the research..

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Return of Jesus Christ

Be Not Deceived

The disciples came to him privately saying...
"What shall be the sign of thy world coming and of the end of the world?"
And Jesus answered and said unto them,
"Take heed that no man deceive you." Matthew 24:4