Monday, September 28, 2009

G-20 Riot Police - Pittsburgh. PA

This is very make your own judgment.

Did this really happen or was it staged?

Steve Hart

Friday, August 14, 2009

Do You Know What Time It Is?

What does your internal clock say it is?

Do you have some appointments to make?

Steve Hart

Monday, August 3, 2009

Prolonged Detention....what is this?

This is a NBC News report video clip.....

Is this news lady correct? Is she interpreting the President's speach correctly?

What does this really mean???

How do know when someone......even Americans are considered a threat to the government?

Steve Hart

Friday, July 24, 2009

Is the Government Spending Your Money?

Here is a music video that is funny and yet so sad....

I will say this whole thing started years ago by the "Powers that be" behind the money. This is happening because it is all a part of the big picture...

Matt. 6:19-21 & Luke 12:31-34 Make the Spiritual things your treasures.

Steve Hart

Friday, July 17, 2009

Will the Government Make Vaccination a MUST?

Why is this lady so upset about this? What is that she knows that I do not?

Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD., Natural Solutions Foundation Medical Director, completing a visit to Italy to attend the annual Codex Alimentarius meeting, discusses recent developments.

Youtube would not all me to embed this into the blog. I am curious to see if this video is taken down by the powers that watch before is removed.!

Be aware, raise your consciousness, you have a choice.

Steve Hart

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

America's Economic Collapse?

Can this happen?

Is Amercia facing an economic collapse?

What should you do?

How would you prepare for such an event?

The answer is in raising your consciousness.
Nothing else will prepare you for what is to come.

I can help you raise you levels of consciousness.
Help you discover your strengths.

Steve Hart
Spiritual teacher/Life Coach

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

American Army getting ready to hunt civilians

If this video upsets must remember Fear is not the answer.

Steve Hart